Youth Voices was our very successful first attempt at staging The A Cappella Society's youth singers in a full-length concert. It featured the TAS Children's Pop & Jazz choir and TAS Youth Voices in various formations and group sizes, from Pop choir to A Cappella group, produced and staged by the groups' Director Angelina Choo and was already sold out before show day. It was generally acclaimed as an entertaining and vibrant performance. The audience, mainly friends and family of the singers but also a large number from the general public due to Keppel Nights tickets available with a 50% subsidy, gave very positive feedback having enjoyed the concert very much.
The concert featured a good selection of a cappella music ranging from pop, jazz, rhythm & blues to original a cappella pieces. It also charmed audiences with an eclectic mix of traditional and contemporary pieces, choir and group songs.
Youth Voices has shown that there is a growing interest not only in youth productions but also in a cappella music in general and that such shows can be staged successfully. It has also set the standard for a cappella singing and performance for youths.
There were some issues encountered in the process of the production though, most notably concerning sound. The amplification and mixing of the various groups and sizes poses a challenge that has to be addressed and improved. We will do so in the coming year as we intend to establish Youth Voices as a yearly showcase concert for the youth singers after this successful beginning.