Thank you for all your support for our 3rd International A Cappella Festival!!
Start from 25 Oct all the way to the month's end, the international lineup resumes, and it was a blast!
The Esplanade Recital Studio was graced by Klangbezirk, who released their all-mandarin album, and so did Fool Moon with their album celebrating 10 years of singing together.
Following up, we returned to The Arts House Chamber, where we hosted Niniwe and Vocaldente, the final few German groups, all very fine artisans in vocal art.
We had Key Elements for two nights, and in between, Hong Kong's Orange sang to a high-energy crowd with their brand of mando and canto-pop.
Now that the Festival is over, to those who missed it, do not fret, as next year's festival is being planned, with even more varied acts and more vast lineup even!
Till then, this is what TAS has planned so far!
Our annual Christmas Vocal Jam, featuring the TAS Pop Choir and Juz B, along with other guest performances!
And shortly after that, we have our second A CAPPELLA 101 with Angie at the Esplanade Rehearsal Studio, click here for more information.
Till then, we'll catch you again here!